Current Bids

Request for Proposals
Park Design and Construction
Pre-Bid Meeting: March 22 at 11:30 am
Bids due April 10 by Noon

The Town of Hillsboro is seeking proposals for a design/build park. The subject property is located at Church Street, Hillsboro, MD and funding for the project is provided by The State of Maryland Community Parks and Playground Grant. The successful bidder will work with the Commissioners and residents to create a park that has passive activities, meditation areas, gardens and walking path that will join the existing park. There is an optional pre-bid meeting at the town hall on Wednesday, March 22nd at 11:30 a.m. Sealed bids should include proof of insurance and references. Sealed bids are due on Monday, April 10th by noon at the Hillsboro Town Office 22043 Church Street in the drop box or received via U.S. mail at P.O. Box 128, Hillsboro, MD 21641 by the same date and time. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Visit the town website for additional information or contact the Town Administrator at 410-829-3529.

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