Hillsboro Town Hall
P.O. Box 128
Hillsboro, MD 21641
Town Clerk
Jennifer Shull
Town Commissioners
Sandra Higdon (President)
Steve Higdon (Vice President)
Sally Campbell (Commissioner)
Town Notices
Town announcements are posted on the bulletin board inside the post office, the town Facebook page, and on the town website. Neighbors’ Forums are also held periodically throughout the year to discuss major town projects and programs.
Town Meetings
Public town meetings are held at Town Hall on the third Monday of each month at 6:30pm (except for May, which is the second Monday)
Town Elections
Town elections are held the fourth Monday of April each year at Town Hall from 4pm – 7pm. Commissioners are elected to a three year term.
Planning and Zoning
The Planning and Zoning Commission meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Town Hall at 6:30pm. For questions and more information on permits, contact planning@hillsboromd.com.
Living in Hillsboro
Trash Pick-Up
The Town provides free trash pick-up at your door. If you do not have the same trash receptacles you see around town, contact the Town Manager to request one. Trash pick-up is early Thursday morning - please place trash at the curb on Wednesday evening.
Building Permits
Building permits are required for any type of construction including, but not limited to storage sheds, swimming pools, fences, and septic systems. Some permits also require additional approval from the Caroline County Health Department. for more information and to submit a permit application, visit our Forms & Documents page.
Critical Area Regulations
About 60% of the town is located within a 1,000 ft. buffer of the Tuckahoe River, which is the Critical Area Zone. Additional regulations apply to these properties regarding construction and/or removal of trees and shrubs. If your property is in the Critical Area Zone, please contact the Planning and Zoning Commission for more information before beginning any projects.
Property Maintenance
There are Ordinances in place that require all properties to be kept clean and well maintained at all times, including (among other things) the mowing of your grass and the upkeep of the structures on your property. Sidewalks along your property and all street signs near your property must be kept clear of shrubbery and branches. You are also required to clear your sidewalk of snow and ice at the end of a storm. If you are a renter you will need to discuss these items with your landlord to see if they will have this done or if you will be responsible to do so.
We follow the Caroline County Animal Control Laws. Some important things to note about having animals in town:
- Dogs have to be controlled by use of a leash or similar means at all times.
- Dog owners will be held responsible for picking up and disposing of their dog feces. Please be considerate of your neighbors.
- Caroline County requires that your pets have a license tag which is available from the Court House in Denton or from animal control at the Caroline County Humane Society in Ridgely.
- Chickens and ducks must be in an approved enclosure, and a copy of your state registration must be provided to the town Planning and Zoning Commission.
- The Town does not permit any type of split hoofed animals (i.e. pigs, goats, cows, etc.).
Things To Do

Walking Path
Enjoy the 1/4 mile walking path that circles the town park and native wildflower meadow. Exercise equipment stations, benches, and swings line the path. The park also has a full playground for kids to enjoy.

Boat Ramp
A public boat ramp located next to the bridge between Hillsboro and Queen Anne gives you access to the Tuckahoe River. Small boats, kayaks, and paddle boards can all be launched from this ramp. You can also rent kayaks and canoes from the business located next to the boat ramp.

Town Hall/Pavilion
The Town Hall and pavilion are available to rent for parties and events. Click here to download a copy of our rental request.

St. Paul's Church
All are welcome to walk the beautiful labyrinth and grounds of the historic St. Paul’s Church and cemetery.

Each December the streets of Hillsboro and Queen Anne are lined with thousands of luminaries to welcome the holiday season. Residents and visitors are welcome to walk or drive through the towns to view the beautiful lights.

Movie Nights in the Park
The town hosts free movie nights in the park during the summer and early fall to provide a fun night out for the whole family. Check our Events calendar for upcoming dates.

Town Yard Sales
Each summer and fall the town joins together for a town-wide yard sale with our neighboring town, Queen Anne.